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派拉蒙 Paramount MX 赤道仪


  • 商品库存: 100
  • 商品品牌:派拉蒙
  • 商品点击数:42187
  • 市场价格:¥96000元
    用户评价: comment rank 5
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    购买此商品可使用:80000 积分



[产品品牌] 派拉蒙
[产品型号] Paramount MX
[产品产地] 美国
[功能描述] Control system features:
◦Integrated USB 2.0 computer to mount communication interface can be controlled via TheSkyX Pro on eitherMac OS X andWindows(7/Vista/XP, 32- and 64-bit), out of the box.
◦Integrated two portUSB 2.0 hubat the camera-end of the telescope, right where they're needed.
◦Mount's position is monitored 3333 times each second to ensure optimal tracking accuracy and smooth, consistent slews at all rates and all times.
◦Tracking and in progress slews are immediately stopped in the unfortunate event that the mount encounters a fixed object, such as the side of the pier.
◦The single board control system electronics requires the minimum number of components and has a small physical size.
◦Hand controller features an integrated mini joystick controller and configurable rate, five position switch that allows single-handed mount control, an integrated bright red LED flashlight, sturdy "hang anywhere" cable loop and 15-foot coiled cable.
[本机特点] The Paramount MX has a broad range of exciting features and capabilities that will keep you focused on the stars and not your equipment. Software Bisque urges you to compare the Paramount MX feature set with every other commercial mount in this price range before buyinganymount.
•German equatorial mount equipment capacity (not including the counterweights): 90 lb (41 kg)
•Weight of the mount (including Versa-Plate): 50 lb (23 kg)
•Every single component is custom machined from 6061 aluminum at Software Bisque's production facility. The worms are precision machined from brass.
•Brass worms and aluminum gears that have a maximum seven (7) arcsecond peak to peak periodic error before periodic error correction. Less than one (1) arcsecond peak to peak periodic error after PEC is applied.
•Software Bisque'sfourth generationdual axis telescope control system (called theMKS 5000)
[其他参数] ◦Programmable periodic error correction with "seeing agnostic" periodic error curve fitting results in sub arcsecond periodic error.
◦Built-in autoguider port on the Instrument Panel.
◦Built-in focuser port on the Instrument Panel.
◦One 12V and one 5V power port on the Instrument Panel.
◦A generic "power source" port on the Instrument Panel backed with 18-gauge wire to supply the power your observing equipment needs through the mount.
◦Simple to configurable software limits to ensure the mount does not encounter the pier.
◦Brushless DC servomotors. Brushless DC servo motors are designed so that all moving parts are on bearing surfaces. If your mount is used for survey astronomy all night, every clear night, no other type of motor is sufficient. Lesser mounts use motors with "brushes" that don't have nearly the life expectancy of brushless DC servomotors and are not designed to be operated for long periods at the (relatively slow) sidereal rate.
◦DC servomotors provide fast slew speeds and consistent torque at all slew rates. The maximum slew and tracking rates are 3.5 degrees per second in the right ascension axis (note that periodic error correction is not possible at high tracking rates) and 5 degrees per second in the declination axis. The gear-reducer and worm-block design of the Paramount MX are extremely efficient so that little power is lost between the motor and the telescope drive. Though good balance is always recommended, the Paramount MX has no problem slewing or tracking when several foot-pounds out of balance. You'll spend less time fiddling with the telescope and more time acquiring data.

◦AutoHome™ homing capability (to better than one arcsecond resolution) with built-in sensor circuitry on each axis ensure that the mount always knows its orientation (after an initialization process called "homing"), even after power failure.
◦Configurable park position.
◦Audible feedback that indicates normal operation and error conditions.
◦Slew and tracking rates can be configured with 56-bit precision. What does this mean? The right ascension and declination motors can be run from 0 to 4000 rpm and virtually anywhere in between, providing precise tracking, rapid slewing. This gives you the ability to track on comets, asteroids and even fast- or slow-moving objects such as LEO satellites or any object that moves above or below the sidereal rate.
◦Single-reduced belt-driven worms, mean the Paramount MX has backlash so small it is difficult to measure (typically less than two arcseconds in both axes. Autoguiding calibration is always a snap with this “no-slop” system. Spur gears and other "backlash introducing components" are never used.
◦Temperature compensated internal oscillator with better than 10 parts per million that ensures accurate tracking rates over a wide temperature range.
◦Built-in temperature sensor that allows the slew rate to be automatically reduced when the temperature drops.
◦Soft "reboot" capability. This means that the control system can be restarted through software and does not have to be manually turned off, then on.
◦Simple firmware upgrades using TheSkyX Professional Edition.

•Both the right ascension and declination axes have a simple three position mechanical "switch" to engage the worm during normal operation, disengage the worm from the gear when balancing the payload, or lock the axis during transit
•GEM design allows the right ascension axis to track past the meridian for up to 2 hours (time).
•All internal harnesses (cables) and motors are encapsulated inside the body of the mount, just like the Paramount ME.
•Through the mount access holes allow you to add your own internal cables.
•Calibrated polar alignment adjustments that are virtually identical to the Paramount ME.
•Paramount ME-like homing, tracking and pointing performance.
•7.5-inch right ascension and declination gears (375 teeth).
•6-inch contact ball bearings in both right ascension and declination.
•Periodic error correction curve fitting included with TheSkyX Professional Edition (required).
•45 arcminute bubble level included.
•A Paramount MX-style Versa-Plate for attaching optical tube assemblies is included.
•Power supply included. Paramount MX power supply specifications: Max Power Output: 80W, Input: 100-240VAC ~47-63 Hz 1.9A, Output: 48V 1.66A max.
•Two (2) 20 lb (9kg) counterweights included. Note that the Paramount MX andParamount ME counterweightsare identical.
•16-in. (41 cm) counterweight shaft included.
•TheSkyX Professional Edition included.
•TPoint Add On to TheSkyX Professional Edition includedz.
•Camera Add On to TheSkyX Professional Edition included.
•Standard Paramount MX wedge can be adjusted to reach latitudes from ten (10) degrees to slightly higher than sixty-five (65) degrees. AParamount ME-like Latitude Adjustment Wedgewill be available for latitudes outside this region.
•Azimuth axis polar axis adjustment range is plus or minus seven (7) degrees from center position.
•Altitude and azimuth polar alignment knobs are calibrated, so that making adjustments using the TPoint Polar Alignment Report simple and accurate.



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